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Sam Finds Love

Sam Loves the Ranch

Sam is Loved


                                                                             Chapter One


               Sam woke up with a start. She raised up and saw out the window a glow that wasn’t the sun. She threw back the covers, jumped out of bed, then ran to see what it was. The red, orange and yellow glow was so brilliant that she could almost feel the heat. The smell was bad and with the window open, already her eyes were starting to water. What she saw frightened her to no end, so she started screaming, “Ted – Ted, wake up. The barn is on fire! The barn is on fire!”

               Ted sat up, shook his head realizing Sam was yelling from the window. Her words coming louder alarmed him. He too jumped out of bed and ran to her then smelled the smoke. “Oh no!” he exclaimed.

Quick to go into action, they both threw on some clothes, ran down the stairs and out the front door. There was smoke billowing everywhere. Their eyes were beginning to burn. The flames were flying high in the sky plus a shower of sparks was raining all over. The Cowboys had been aroused from the bunkhouse which was attached to the north side of the barn. 

“Ted, you go quick and get the horses out and I’ll find Maggie to take care of the children.” Sam ran back into the house and to the back porch. She reached up and rang the dinner bell three times

                                                           Book review Sam finds Love 

Sam stepped down the steps of the stagecoach from Casper,                  Wyoming. “I am here!” she shouted to no one in particular. Her stomach did flip-flops as she put her hands on her hips and her feet firmly on the ground. I’m so excited I think my heart will burst. --She smiled thinking about the start of her new life.

She dusted and shook out her full skirts. Her hat was askew, so she adjusted it, pushing some stray red hairs back into place. No, I’m not going to miss St. Louis. Did someone come to meet me?

The ride was dusty and had been rough over an almost non-existent road. Four tired black horses, wet from the exertion of the last difficult few miles, pulled the coach.


Reviewed by Amanda Rofe for Readers' Favorite

Sam Loves the Ranch by Lou Kamradt is Volume 2 in the 'Sam Loves' trilogy. Set on the Sweetwater ranch in a small town called Plainville, the novel continues the story of Sam Olgeve Grains. Sam moved from Missouri to marry Ted Grains, owner of the largest ranch in Wyoming. She has now settled into her new life and the couple wish to expand their business. They decide to open a Dude Ranch for city folk. However, they require more help and this arrives in the form of a 150-strong wagon train which camps outside the town. Amongst the new arrivals are sick children, pregnant women and an injured man. Sam takes many of them in and gives them a home. In return, they help to run the ranch and the prospective new venture.

The novel opens with an exciting sequence where Sam Grains, the heroine of the story, is thrown into a dangerous situation when a stagecoach veers out of control. Sam leads us through the book, introducing us to various characters, many of whom work on the ranch. The families, who are warm and inviting, experience joy as well as heartache in their struggle to get by. I always enjoy reading about the lives of people during this time period and was interested to see how the women managed, especially during childbirth. This is an honest book with a moral compass. There is a respectfulness to the writing which is often lacking in stories today. Readers will find this a refreshingly clean read with no profanity or explicit violence.


Sam finds Love

Sam loves the Ranch

Sam is Loved 

Official Website of  Author Lou Kamradt

Sam's Love Novels

For reviwers


Lou Kamradt was born in Benton, IL. She graduated from Eureka College with a BA in education, She has traveled through the western United States, following in the wagon train trails, This created her desire to write about a woman, Sam who had the courage to travel across the plains seeking a better life. Lou has written several short stories and novels," Sam Loves" is her latest series.

"Sam Finds Love "is the first book in a trilogy which are historical romance. This is about Sam's journey from St. Louis, Mo, to Plainville, WY. in the late 1800s. She meets Ted, they marry and begin their family while living on a ranch. This book is available "online bookstores".

 Sam loves the Ranch is the second book of a trilogy  "Sam Loves"  This involves Indians, tells about the arrival the folks on a wagon train, and the lives of Sam's many friends on the ranch and in town as the population grows in both places. Sam is in the middle of many adventures. Both the folks in town and on the ranch depend on Sam for advice. She and husband begin Sam's Dude ranch. Sam is a love and an amazing lady.

 The third book about Sam. Sam is still Ted's lovey. Their family has grown. Their dude ranch is developed. Other businesses coming to Plainville. Again there are marriages, births, and a festival which grows involving a rodeo. Between a summer drought and a winter blizzard, they lose their cattle. Now is the time for a change. Sam still has her winning smile....

Lou presently lives in Houston TX. near her family and friends, you may contact her at


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